Remember the thrill of polaroid cameras? While chilling with your friends, you could pull out the Polaroid camera, snap away, and watch as the image slowly appeared in full vivid color. Who could forget how Outkast’s big hit “Hey Ya!” reminded everyone of the virtues of Polaroid shakin?
Well now, there’s "Poladroid" – an online program available for Windows and Mac users that converts your digital shots into Polaroid look-alikes. What’s rad about Poladroid? You drag and drop your digital pics on top of the camera. From the camera, out shoots a blank photo that slowly “develops” on your computer desktop. I've found it slightly addictive and it's made me a bit nostalgic. Better yet, the cost is free- though "Poladroid" is taking donations.
Also, being an iPhone owner, I found Shakeit. This is a new iPhone App that uses the same tinted colors, staggered developing process and entertaining “shake” technique. Basically, you take a picture with your iPhone and the polaroids actually develop quicker if you shake it.
Pretty sweet, if you ask me.
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